Friday, May 28, 2010

Most freaking famous vids on YouTube!

Apparently I may have been wrong about the Baby and Achmed vids being the highest viewed vids on YouTube.
DAMN funny vid (well, quite)

^^^^ 121 million views!! ^^^^

Next up: Sneezing Panda
not so many views, not so funny, but still famous

Kinda hilarious in a twisted way, not so many views though but also famous (well duh)

Tron Guy (3 mil views only O_O thought it was famous)

Afro Ninja (10 mil views only despite being so famous?)

Star Wars Kid (not the original i think but its more famous than the original =D)

Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday (think i posted it before)

Numa Numa (this is some funny shit)


Curious as to how I knew all this?
SOUTH PARK! (kinda gory episode)
Sadly though, the vids that I could find on those, could not be embed (the uploaders disabled it)
So imma giving you the link!

Have a nice weekend!

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