Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Warcraft 3+DotA

Being such a huge fan of warcraft 3, i just couldnt resist
Warcraft 3-Reign of Chaos Intro

Basically the undead (a race in warcraft) came and destroyed them. Simple, really.
Now, some custom maps for warcraft (namely, DOTA!!!!)

Dota - Luck is no Excuse

How to DotA 6 (by Black-_-Lotus hes an awesome dota player)

you can go see the other how to dota videos they're pretty cool

Now, i present videos on singular heroes which require quite a lot of proness ;)

Priestess of the Moon
For people who dont play dota, the shining light thingie is an arrow which the potm shoots out. for this spell, its not like auto aim at the hero (it doesnt automatically hit the hero) yuo have to shoot it out at a direction and just pray hard that it hits :)
this is really EPIC

Another one, with potm and PUDGE. pudge has a skill called meathook in which he launches out the hook and reels the enemies/allies he catches on the hook towards him. its pretty much the same as potm's arrow except that potm's arrow stuns the target (makes it unable to move or do anything) while pudge's pulls the target in

Potm VS Pudge

Now, another epic and widely feared hero, EARTHSHAKER
this vid is really quite epic
btw es(earthshaker) has a skill called fissure, which can block ppl and all that, you'll see him use it a lot in this vid
and in DotA, theres such a thing called fog, in which some things obstruct ur vision and sometimes u cant see far so ppl like to mess around with u using fog like when the skeleton-like thing tries to kill him n he abuses fog to humiliate naix (skeleton-like thing)

of course, you may not fully appreciate this vids if you're not a dota player so...START PLAYING DOTA NOW! =D

Lost in three mins

Real interesting to me actually

this is some funny shit (shit referring to the vid...and twilight)


P.S. Sorry for not updating my blog for such a long time

this is some funny shit (shit referring to the vid...and twilight)


P.S. Sorry for not updating my blog for such a long time

Friday, May 28, 2010

Most freaking famous vids on YouTube!

Apparently I may have been wrong about the Baby and Achmed vids being the highest viewed vids on YouTube.
DAMN funny vid (well, quite)

^^^^ 121 million views!! ^^^^

Next up: Sneezing Panda
not so many views, not so funny, but still famous

Kinda hilarious in a twisted way, not so many views though but also famous (well duh)

Tron Guy (3 mil views only O_O thought it was famous)

Afro Ninja (10 mil views only despite being so famous?)

Star Wars Kid (not the original i think but its more famous than the original =D)

Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday (think i posted it before)

Numa Numa (this is some funny shit)


Curious as to how I knew all this?
SOUTH PARK! (kinda gory episode)
Sadly though, the vids that I could find on those, could not be embed (the uploaders disabled it)
So imma giving you the link!

Have a nice weekend!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Happy Tree Friends

As promised, Happy Tree Friends!
WARNING: ITS EXTREMELY GORY. and funny. Perhaps I'm an evil sadist.

For some reason when I watch this vids my vids go all tingly and sensitive and jumpy
I dont know why =.=

last one cant take much more of this

Happy Tree Friends - Halloween Theme (not by the original makers I think)

But its still real funny and cool =D
WARNING: A bit gory. Ok very. But not as much as the other original HTF vids which I am gonna post soon